Vacation and Mental Health

Vacation and Mental Health. Image of a woman standing on a balcony overlooking an ocean.

We all need a break from the hamster wheel of daily activities. Time for relaxation and unplugging is sometimes just the recharge we need. Simply put, a vacation can be good for the soul. Whether you travel to the beach or mountains or stay-cay in your backyard, taking a timeout from the demands of your busy life can have significant benefits.

While enjoying your vacation, it is essential to maintain good mental health practices so that you can return refreshed. It’s easy to “fall off the wagon” with exercise, mindfulness, and nutritional eating while on vacation. I mean, that’s what makes vacation fun, right? The food. Extra sleep. Leisure. To maximize feelings of rejuvenation and enjoyment while on vacation and ease the transition of returning, here are some tips to help support mental wellness.

1. Plan Ahead

Organize Your Trip: Having a rough itinerary can reduce stress and ensure you make the most of your time. Feeling rushed or unprepared can increase stress and anxiety, as well as feelings of frustration. Be sure not to over-plan (unless you’re a travel agent or tour guide). Being too rigid during travel can create the same level of stress and, quite frankly, will annoy your travel partner(s). Everything will not go according to plan, so be flexible and enjoy the moment.

2. Stay Active

Exercise: Engage in physical activities like hiking, swimming, or walking to boost mood. Exercise is our consistent recommendation. It is the equivalent of your mom saying, “Take a nap,” whether you have a stomachache, headache, runny nose, or are misbehaving. We recommend exercise for everything! Not to mention all the evidence-based research that deems exercise excellent for mood, anxiety, sleep, and self-esteem.

Explore Outdoors: Nature has a calming effect and can help reduce stress. Get out and explore wherever you are vacationing. Get your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D.

3. Maintain a Balanced Routine

Sleep Well: Try to get enough rest and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. This one is tough, especially if you are enjoying a girl’s trip. However, a consistent sleep schedule will make your return from vacation smoother.

Eat Nutritiously: Enjoy local cuisine by eating balanced meals to keep your energy levels up. Try the homemade dishes the locals enjoy, which will likely be healthier than a drive-thru restaurant. Eat every 3-4 hours, and do not skip meals. We want to avoid becoming “hangry, ” which will derail a vacation. Some friend groups and relationships are still recovering from “hangry” incidents.

4. Stay Connected

To Your Travel Companion(s): Be present and enjoy the company you are with. We don’t realize how disengaged we are because of our phones. Traveling solo? The same rules apply. Stay connected to what you are experiencing. If possible, try to avoid social media while on vacation. The vacation is for pleasure and relaxation, not a documentary for others to critique.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Meditate: Spend a few minutes each day meditating to stay grounded. This could be acknowledging the beauty around you or expressions of gratitude.

Be Present: Focus on the moment and appreciate your surroundings. Experiencing the present moment through your five senses is a mindfulness exercise to ground us in the present moment. Try not to worry about future moments or shame yourself about the past. The present moment can be very peaceful.

6. Avoid work-related activities

Use your out-of-office email reply, seriously: If you are taking off work, take off work. Don’t ruin your vacation by doing work or shortchange your work by working while on vacation. It is just not a good use of time. Because your brain is not in “work mode,” it will take you 3x as long to complete a task, which can change the trajectory of your whole day. Try to complete important assignments before you leave for vacation and accept that there will inevitably be more work upon your return. You will work more efficiently and productively by allowing yourself to recharge fully.

Remember, the goal of a vacation is to relax, enjoy yourself, and experience something new. Prioritize your wellness to make the most of your time away. Whether you travel near or far, these tips will help enhance the benefits of vacation on your mental health.

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