Back to School Means Time to Breathe

Morning back to school routine

Back to School Means Time to Breathe

The kids are back in school! This is the most wonderful time of the year (cue the song) for many parents. There are many parental perks when the school year begins, such as not having to pay for summer camp or daycare, a decreased grocery bill since children are not home eating all day, and increased productivity. The first few weeks of school are like a honeymoon phase for parents. We are just happy to have time to ourselves while our children learn and engage with friends. Then, reality sets in. We realize the long days of summer have disappeared, and there is a shortage of time. It feels impossible to check homework, cook dinner, and ensure the kids are bathed and put to bed all within 3-4 hours while trying to be present and engaged.  


Managing hectic back-to-school routines can be challenging for moms, but with effective planning and organization, it’s possible to make the transition smoother. Here are some tips to help moms manage the back-to-school routine: 



Create a Family Calendar: Use a shared calendar to keep track of school events, extracurricular activities, appointments, and other commitments. This way, everyone in the family can stay informed and plan accordingly.


Establish a Routine: Set consistent wake-up and bedtime routines to ensure everyone gets enough rest. A well-rested family is better equipped to handle busy days. One possible reason some parents feel more productive when the kids are in school is because they are more regimented, as a result of following the kids’ schedule which starts early in the morning. 


Prep the Night Before: Encourage your children to lay out their clothes, pack their bags, and organize their school supplies the night before. This can save a lot of time and stress in the morning. Also, parents pack your lunch for work at night. 


Meal Planning: Plan meals for the week in advance and consider preparing some meals ahead of time. This can help save time and ensure your family eats nutritious meals even on busy days. 


Delegate Tasks: Involve your children in age-appropriate tasks such as making their lunches, setting the table, or cleaning up. This not only teaches responsibility but also lightens your workload.


Set Priorities: Recognize that you can’t do everything. Identify the most important tasks and focus on those. Delegate, eliminate, or even outsource less crucial tasks.


Designated Study Time: Establish a designated time and place for homework and studying. This helps children develop good study habits and gives you a chance to oversee their progress.


Stay Connected: Communicate regularly with your children’s teachers and school staff. Stay informed about school events, assignments, and any concerns that may arise.


Self-Care: Remember to take care of yourself. Set aside time for relaxation, exercise, and activities you enjoy. When you’re well-rested and your stress is well-managed, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of a busy routine.


Flexibility: Be prepared for the unexpected. Sometimes plans may need to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Stay adaptable and find solutions when things don’t go as planned. 


Family Time: Amid the busy schedule, prioritize quality family time. Set aside moments to connect, share stories, and have fun together. 


Remember, every family is different, so it’s important to find strategies that work best for your unique situation. Flexibility, communication, and a can-do attitude can go a long way in managing a hectic back-to-school routine. Have a wonderful school year! 


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